AI PDF Chatbot: Explain, summarize, and question your documents instantly. Unlock smarter, faster reading online with ChatPDF.
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ChatPDF: AI-Powered, Easier, Faster, and Deeper PDF Reading

Chat with your PDFs as easily as you would with a chatbot. Ask, interact, and get responses as if your document could talk back.
Instant PDF Summary
Access an instant summary and key questions after AI analyzes your PDF, enabling quick comprehension.
Smart AI Reader
With a single click, explain, summarize, or translate any text and images in a PDF, simplifying complex information.
Multilingual Chat
Chat with your PDF in any language, ensuring seamless interaction without language barriers.
One-Click Copy
Effortlessly copy your PDF chat history content for instant use.
Across All Devices
Enjoy ChatPDF on desktop and mobile, optimized for seamless use on any device.
Private Data Control
Your files and chats stay confidential. Manage your PDF history with options to keep or delete data.

How to Use AI ChatPDF

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1. Upload Your PDF
Upload your PDF (up to 120 pages and 32MB). Enjoy free daily chats and start using the tool right away.
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2. Summarize and Chat PDF
Get an instant summary of your PDF. Ask any questions and get immediate answers.
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3. Interact with Your PDF
Read, summarize, translate, and explain your PDF with just a click, anytime, anywhere.

From Our Users: See How AI ChatPDF Enhances PDF Reading

Loved by students and professionals.
Quick Study Summaries
As a biology student, ChatPDF is crucial for quickly sifting through numerous articles. It summarizes key points effectively, helping me identify and focus on the papers most relevant to my research. It’s a real time-saver for finding exactly what I need.
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Emily Chen
Graduate Student in Biology
Interactive PDF Learning
I love how I can ask ChatPDF any question while reading a document and get immediate, clear explanations. It's like having a knowledgeable colleague right next to me, making my research deeper and my understanding clearer.
icon stars
Dr. Liam Peterson
AI Scientist
Graphs and Charts Explainer
With ChatPDF, navigating through technical documents is less daunting. It explains graphs and charts clearly, making technical data like programming trends or statistics easily comprehensible.
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Mark Thompson
Software Developer
PDF Translation Assistant
ChatPDF is a lifesaver for dealing with documents in different languages. It translates any section I don’t understand and lets me chat about it in my own language. This makes understanding and engaging with my international documents so much easier.
icon stars
Anna Rivera
PDF Translation Assistant
Seamless PDF Chat Across Devices
I start reading reports on my desktop and pick up right where I left off on my phone. ChatPDF keeps everything in sync, which is perfect for my hectic schedule. It’s like my work follows me seamlessly between devices.
icon stars
James Larry
Financial Analyst


Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us at
Is ChatPDF free?
Yes, ChatPDF offers a free version that includes daily chats with your PDFs. For more advanced features and increased usage limits, an upgrade to our Pro plan is available.
What is ChatPDF used for?
ChatPDF is an all-in-one AI PDF tool designed to enhance your PDF reading experience. It allows you to interact with your documents as if they were conversable, helping you to easily summarize, ask questions, and understand your PDFs better—perfect for students, researchers, and professionals.
Is ChatPDF private and safe to use?
Yes, your privacy and security are our top priorities. Only you can access your files, and you have the freedom to delete them at your discretion. We ensure that your documents are never shared with third parties.
What are the benefits for Pro users in ChatPDF?
As a Pro user, you can upload up to 30 PDFs daily, with a maximum of 300 pages, and enjoy 100 PDF chats every week. Unlock more possibilities with ChatPDF!
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Experience PDF AI Chat Today

Your smart online PDF AI assistant awaits.
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