Are you looking for trustworthy, quick guidance anywhere, at any time? Introducing ChatDoc, your devoted healthcare partner available around the clock. Imagine always having a qualified doctor at your disposal who can respond to your questions about health in a timely and courteous manner. By delivering individualized medical insights directly to your smartphone, ChatDoc AI allows you to avoid waiting rooms and ensures that your choices are well-informed and peaceful. Today, take charge of your health journey. Enroll in ChatDoc to benefit from the ease of professional medical advice anytime you need it.

What is ChatDoc?

chatdoc ai

An AI language learning model called ChatDOC, which is built on GPT3.5, is intended to assist you in handling document files! Consider it a reading partner that helps you with document analysis, summarization, and many other useful activities. You can swiftly search through a lot of data, extract information from Docs and PDFs, and even execute mathematical instructions using ChatDOC. Not only that, but ChatDOC can also read text and tables in a chat with documents! This greatly facilitates data analysis and provides answers with supporting documentation directly from the source files. With its user-friendly design, ChatDoc makes complicated document operations like information retrieval and summarizing simple, making it suitable for both personal and professional usage. 

How to Use ChatDoc?

Strategic questioning is needed to use ChatDOC AI for exact information extraction. Ask one clear question in the main chat. Narrowing document snippets improves answer relevancy. GPT3.5 token limits decrease response quality. Use Threads for follow-up queries. Threads retain subject context, so your responses match previous talks, unlike main chat exchanges. Talk to pdf in the main chat. ChatDOC’s first answers must match document content for dependability. 

Avoid personal views and ask objective inquiries. Subjective inquiries are meaningless since ChatDOC replies exclusively from document data. Focus on objective document information. Avoid broad inquiries and provide specific responses. Judgment questions like “Which candidate is suitable” are inadequate. Use appropriate criteria (e.g., University of Texas Students, Self-Employed Individuals) and remain within token restrictions to improve content retrieval. 

Steps of Using ChatDoc

To еffеctivеly usе ChatDOC, follow thеsе straightforward steps:

1. Sign Up: Register on ChatDOC to get started. Creating an account requires using your email address.

chatdoc ai

2. Fill Thе Rеquirеd Fiеlds: Fill out the registration process by providing the required information, such as your password and username of choice.

talk to pdf

3. Drag Your PDF: After registering, you are able to use ChatDOC’s features. To begin the analysis process, drag & drop your PDF file onto the designated area on the platform.

talk to pdf

4. Ask Your Quеstion: Once your document has been submitted and reviewed, ChatDOC is available for use. Ask any question about the information in your document, and ChatDOC will respond with pertinent answers by citing specific sections of the talk to PDF.

talk to pdf

ChatDoc’s Pricing

Free Plan

Price: $0

Duration: Start for free


  • Question Limit: 2 per day, 10 in total
  • File Upload Limit: 20 per day, 100 in total
  • Page Limit per File: 20 pages
  • Max File Size: 36 MB
  • Supported File Types: PDF

Pro Plan

Price: $89.90 per 360 days

Duration: Subscribe


  • Question Limit: 300 per 30 days
  • File Upload Limit: 300 per day
  • Page Limit per File: Unlimited
  • Max File Size: 36 MB
  • OCR Pages: Included
  • GPT-4o (paid add-on): Available
  • Formula Recognition: Included
  • File Limit per Collection: 500 per 30 days
  • Supported File Types: PDF, DOC, DOCX, SCAN, WEBSITE, EPUB, MD, TXT

Key Features

  • Free Plan: Perfect for infrequent users with little requirements.
  • Pro Plan: Designed for professionals and regular users who need additional features including support for numerous file formats, OCR capabilities, and limitless file pages.

Select the plan that best suits your requirements, then get going right away!

Advantages and Disadvantages of ChatDoc

Here is a more thorough breakdown of ChatDoc’s benefits:


Ease of Use

Even non-technical users may interact with documents more easily and intuitively using ChatDoc’s natural language interface. Users can explore and retrieve information from documents with ease because of its simple instructions and intuitive UI.

Document Understanding

It efficiently uses its AI skills to summarize papers and extract particular information. Professionals that need to quickly extract insights from long papers without reading them thoroughly may find this tool very helpful.

Integration with Workflows

Customers like ChatDoc’s easy integration with their current processes, which boosts output. Its integration features increase productivity and simplify procedures, whether they are used for document management in business settings or for managing course materials in educational settings.

Quick Implementation

ChatDoc has a quick setup time; it can be deployed in less than a day in most cases. Because of its rapid deployment, there is less downtime and businesses may almost immediately begin using its capabilities.


Budget-conscious consumers may find ChatDoc’s inexpensive price structure appealing when compared to some of its counterparts. Because of its affordability, a larger spectrum of customers and companies looking for AI-powered document management solutions without significant upfront fees may utilize it.


Limitations on File Types

ChatDoc’s compatibility with popular file types, such PDF/chat with pdf, DOCX, and TXT, may be limited by its inability to handle more specific forms. When utilizing ChatDoc, users handling proprietary or uncommon file formats may encounter compatibility problems that call for conversion or other workarounds.

File Size Restrictions

Users have complained about ChatDoc’s file upload limitations, which may be troublesome when managing big docs or media-rich files. Users that need to analyze large amounts of high-resolution material in a single document session may find this constraint problematic.

Dependency on Internet

ChatDoc is an online tool, it needs a steady internet connection to work. This reliance on connection may cause issues in settings with erratic or spotty internet access, making offline situations less accessible and useful.

Technical Support

A few individuals have voiced their dissatisfaction with ChatDoc’s customer service response. The capacity of users to rapidly address technical difficulties or obtain help may be negatively impacted by delays or inadequate support response times, which can negatively affect the overall user experience and satisfaction.

Privacy Concerns

Privacy concerns arise when using AI to handle chat with documents, particularly when handling private or sensitive material. Users’ worries over privacy and data security breaches may mean that the tool’s data handling rules and practices need to be carefully handled and evaluated.

Other AI Product Recommendations

Top 1. AI Chatting


The pinnacle of AI-powered consumer contact solutions, AI Chatting systems imitate human-like interactions using sophisticated NLP and ML algorithms. Customer service, healthcare, and education benefit from these platforms’ rapid and individualized replies. ChatPDF AI systems can answer questions, propose items, and handle complicated problems by analyzing and comprehending user inquiries in real time. They help companies grow customer support while retaining quality and responsiveness. AI Chatting solutions also learn from interactions to manage various questions and react to changing consumer demands. 

Pros & Cons


  • Enhances customer service with immediate responses and scalability.
  • Offers personalized interactions based on user data.
  • Improves operational efficiency in handling multiple inquiries.


  • May struggle with understanding complex human emotions or nuanced queries.
  • Initial setup and continuous training are time-consuming processes.

How to use AI chatting?

  • Choose a talk to pdf platform that suits you. Many systems are available for customer service, virtual assistants, and education.
  • If the AI talking platform needs to integrate with your website, mobile app, or CRM, follow its instructions. This usually requires plugins, APIs, or chat widgets.
  • Customize the AI talking interface to fit your brand’s tone, style, and UX. Set up automatic answers, define conversation flows, and personalize greetings and messages depending on user behaviors.
  • You may need to train the AI model using datasets or typical user inquiries and replies, depending on the platform. This helps the AI learn context and increase accuracy.
  • After training, utilize the AI chatting system to connect with people. Initial performance should be regularly monitored to ensure it processes queries well and offers correct answers. 

Top 2. Monica AI


Monica AI is an advanced personal assistant that boosts productivity and organization. Known as “Friends,” this AI connects with digital calendars, email platforms, and task management systems to automate mundane chores, schedule, and remind. Monica AI’s adaptiveness allows it to understand user preferences and habits to provide tailored suggestions and insights. It may recommend appropriate meeting times based on previous interactions and preferences or automate typical email answers, freeing up people to concentrate on strategic issues. Monica AI shows how AI may improve time management and work completion. 

Pros & Cons


  • Effectively manages schedules, tasks, and reminders, enhancing personal organization.
  • Automates routine tasks like scheduling meetings, reducing manual effort.
  • Provides insights and recommendations for optimizing time and task prioritization.


  • Depends heavily on integration with external calendars and email platforms.
  • Users may face a learning curve to fully utilize customization options and features.
chat pdf ai

How to use Monica AI?

  • Sign up for Monica AI via its platform or app. Create an account by giving basic information and choosing settings like time zones and communication integrations during onboarding.
  • Monica AI works flawlessly with Google Calendar, Outlook, and email systems. Monica AI needs your calendars and emails to access your schedule and conversations.
  • Monica AI uses your data and choices. Enter events, tasks, and priorities. This step helps the AI understand your schedule and priorities for better reminders and recommendations.
  • Monica AI automates mundane jobs well. Recurring events, date reminders, and automatic email answers are possible. Automation minimizes manual scheduling and frees up time for more vital duties.
  • Monica AI provides insights and suggestions based on your interactions and data. These may offer appropriate meeting times based on historical scheduling, work prioritizing recommendations, and reminders to complete remaining tasks. 

Top 3. Hix AI


Hix AI is a sophisticated AI-driven content and marketing solution. This flexible tool writes high-quality ads, blog pieces, and product descriptions. Hix AI helps organizations create engaging content rapidly using powerful language models and adjustable settings. It helps marketers create audience-targeted communications that boost brand exposure and engagement. Besides content production, Hix AI has an answer generator that can provide extensive solutions to user inquiries based on supplied data. Businesses trying to enhance their content strategy and boost client engagement via informative and relevant messaging will find it beneficial. 

Pros & Cons


  • Generates versatile content quickly, including ad copies, blog posts, and product descriptions.
  • Saves time for businesses with efficient content creation tools.
  • Offers customizable parameters for tone, style, and content length.


  • Generated content may lack originality and require additional editing.
  • May not fully meet the demands of complex writing tasks that require deep expertise or creativity.
chat with pdf

How to use Hix AI?

  • Start by visiting the Hix AI website or app. Visit HIX.AI to explore its content creation and interactivity capabilities.
  • Choose the right Hix AI tool for your requirements. It has ad text, blog posts, product descriptions, and response generators. Choose the tool that fits your topic or job.
  • After choosing a tool, enter its settings. This comprises keywords, tone of voice, content length, and any special directions. More detailed inputs mean more customized outcomes.
  • Click produce or create to start content generation. Hix AI generates content using powerful AI algorithms and natural language processing depending on your input parameters.
  • Hix AI output should be reviewed after content development. Make sure the material satisfies your standards and brand voice or goals by editing it. Start using Hix AI and tailor it to your requirements.
  • After reviewing the information, you may download it from Hix AI or utilize it in your application. Hix AI produces flexible outputs for marketing campaigns, website content, social media postings, and other uses that can be effortlessly incorporated into processes.